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Master of Business Administration (MBA) is the terminal degree awarded in business education. MBA holders are considered more likely to advance to high-ranking positions and earn very good salaries. The degree is key to career development, helping you attain your business as well as personal goals, pursue your dreams and your interests. Studying for an MBA widens your mind, expands your knowledge, and enhances your skills. On top of all that, it gives you ample opportunities to make new friends and build up your business contact network.

Benefits of an MBA program

  • It provides access to professional management know-how shared by instructors with a wealth of business experience
  • The MBA degree paves a number of career advancement paths, at the same allowing you to strengthen your position in the organization and earn a better salary
  • There is immense satisfaction to be derived from the completion of an exclusive MBA program in Polish or in English
  • And many more...

Why WSB?

The WSB Universities are student-friendly institutions of higher business education that focus on providing business skills and competencies that are key to a successful professional career. The WSB Universities’ philosophy is founded on practice-oriented programs, transparent course design, and friendly and supportive student services. Read more…