Studia Executive MBA stanowiły dla mnie nie tylko doskonały sposób na rozwój osobisty, lecz także nieocenioną inwestycję w moją przyszłość. Decyzja o ich podjęciu była dla mnie przełomowa, wymagała ode mnie wyjścia poza strefę komfortu i poświęcenia ogromnego wysiłku. Jednakże efekty tej decyzji przerosły moje oczekiwania. Doświadczenie to przyniosło mi zarówno ogromną satysfakcję, jak i wzbogaciło mnie o niezwykle wartościową wiedzę, którą przekazali mi zaangażowani i doświadczeni wykładowcy. Dzięki zdobytej wiedzy i umiejętnościom czuję się gotowa na podjęcie wyzwań związanych z realizacją moich najwyższych celów i aspiracji. To nie tylko poszerzyło moje horyzonty, lecz także otworzyło drzwi do nieznanych mi dotąd obszarów. 

Zarina Muratkazyyeva-Cieślak
uczestniczka studiów EMBA w Poznaniu Export Manager, Pfeifer&Langen Polska SA

Executive MBA - WSB University in Poznan

Executive Master of Business Administration program is taught entirely in English by an international faculty. We prepared the program in the cooperation with SBS Swiss Business School. The revised curriculum enables students to substantially enhance their managerial skills under the guidance of expert teachers and trainers from the world over, explore global business trends, and find inspirations among those with hands-on experience. 

International Orientation 

  • 100% of program content delivered in English
  • a unique curriculum prepared by WSB University and SBS Swiss Business School
  • international faculty from Switzerland, Poland, Finland, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom
  • opportunity to participate in the Aalto Executive Summit - the international MBA students’ meeting place
  • MBA study tour, with a tailor-made and curriculum-aligned itinerary, organized every year for the benefit of MBA Program participants.

Practical Focus

  • courses delivered by business practitioners – relevant knowledge that can be readily applied in the workplace
  • interactive instruction methods: work-shops, authentic business case studies, panel discussions, simulations
  • knowledge and experience sharing among participants with diverse professional backgrounds and from a variety of industries
  • modular organization of the curriculum
  • additional certificates
  • 24/7 contact with the University and permanent access to educational content from any location owing to Extranet and the Moodle platform
  • professionally designed frequency and duration of meetings – once in a month on average
  • program’s staff available during each weekend session
  • tuition payments that can be scheduled into convenient installments.

Professional Class

  • the “Professional Plus” class at the Association of Management Education Forum (SEM Forum) rating 2020
  • experienced faculty from leading European and American universities
  • courses taught by an international faculty made up of premium teaching talent with ample hands-on experience
  • opportunity to upgrade your Business English skills
  • comprehensive and relevant learning including specialized know-how
  • WSB University in Poznań is part of the WSB Group, whose strength is underpinned by over 25 years of presence in the higher education market and over 20 years of experience in the delivery of MBA programs.

WSB University in Poznań

WSB University in Poznań was founded as the first of the nine WSB Universities that currently make up Poland’s largest group of business schools. WSB University’s rich product portfolio includes:

  • first–degree (Bachelor’s) and second–degree (Master’s) programs
  • postgraduate courses
  • Executive Master of Business Administration program
  • Master of Business Administration program
  • language courses
  • professional training courses
  • the University of All Ages.

Close cooperation with the business community enables the WSB University to immediately and effectively incorporate business experience into classroom instruction. A substantial proportion of the faculty is highly experienced professionals and practitioners. 

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Informator MBA Poznań 2024