Janusz NapiórkowskiNa studiach MBA szukam nowych horyzontów. I jak na razie się nie zawiodłem. Po ćwierć wieku pracy i dziesiątkach szkoleń, konferencji i kursów wydaje się, że trudno człowieka pozytywnie zaskoczyć, a jednak wykładowcom Uniwersytetu WSB Merito to się udaje.
uczestik studiów EMBA BT we Wrocławiu, główny inżynier górniczy ds. robót przygotowawczych, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
New at WSB University in Wrocław: Executive MBA – Business Trends program
Drawing on its many-years’ experience in management education and expertise in the delivery of Master of Business Administration programs, the WSB University in Wrocław is launching another innovative product: the two-semester Executive MBA – Business Trends program.
The idea behind the Executive MBA – Business Trends program is to seek inspiration for modern organization management and to familiarize participants with emerging trends in global markets. Additionally, the program aims to present an innovative perspective on management.
We target the program at:
- Individuals who need to acquire or improve managerial skills useful in typical business situations
- Individuals who want to gain a fresh perspective on business and its management
- Individuals in managerial positions who do not have managerial education and want to acquire competencies in this area
The studies last 1 year. The program includes a total of:
- 2 semesters
- 160 hours of didactic classes
- 10 modules

Program’s highlights
- industry-academia partnership with Adventure for Thought
- curriculum developed around the latest business trends and innovative management concepts
- focus on the development of leadership skills
- taught in the Polish language
- targeted at senior executive staff including MBA degree holders
- delivered in convenient modules
- takes two semesters to complete.
To whom it is addressed
The program has been designed to cater to the needs of senior executive staff seeking inspirations to bring business management onto a new level. Program participants will gain an insight into what can be seen as management state-of-the-art in global markets. In addition, the program aims to look at innovative approaches to management and to demonstrate their applicability in organizational settings.
More details on the program can be found on the Polish site of the program.