Kadra dydaktyczna programu MBA w Gdańsku

Wybrałem studia MBA ponieważ istotne było dla mnie to, aby mieć możliwość rozwoju swoich umiejętności, poznanie inspirujących ludzi i wymiana z nimi doświadczeń – to udało się osiągnąć w 100%. Fakt że w grupie są ludzie z różnych sektorów przemysłu i zmagają się z różnymi problemami, sprawia że dyskusje są naprawdę ciekawe.

Piotr Szczepański
uczestnik studiów MBA General w Gdańsku

MBA studies place a special emphasis on the practical side of education, so classes are led by a team of experts with extensive business experience. A distinguishing feature of the program is the involvement of representatives from companies as lecturers. Among the lecturers in the MBA program are:



Piotr Bucki - trainer, lecturer, teacher, journalist, coach, manager, freelancer; lecturer at the Higher Banking School in Gdańsk in the field of PR and partner marketing as well as e-business, where he serves as the substantive supervisor.




dr Grzegorz Dzwonnik – for many years, as a manager, professionally involved in the broadly understood process of building competitive potential of enterprises from various industries; he has led and supervised dozens of strategic projects and programs in different countries around the world; for years he has been directing multicultural international expert teams as part of the IPMA International Project Excellence Award.


prof. nadzw. dr hab. Marcin Kalinowski, prof. WSB – President of the WSB-DSW Federation; financial and investment advisor, member of the Supervisory Board of Leier Markowicze SA company.



dr hab. Artur Kozłowski, prof. WSB - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, PhD in Humanities, MBA graduate with a diploma from Georgia State University in Atlanta, USA; has extensive managerial experience working in an international environment; participant in international conferences and training workshops, including "Teaching Strategy & Entrepreneurship Through Cases".


dr Mirosław Oczkoś – Owner of a consulting and training company, PR specialist focusing on voice, presentation skills, and body language; professionally a director and actor; trainer and consultant for politicians and managers; collaborates with numerous radio stations and television channels.




Dariusz Rajca – Trainer, advisor, and mentor with 25 years of experience; conducted over 1250 trainings attended by approximately 25,000 participants; practitioner of the Polish Institute of Neurolinguistic Programming and a certified consultant of the unique in Poland Motivational Analysis of Professional Potential method – MAPP.


Prof. Dariusz Filar - a professor at the University of Gdańsk. He has also lectured at the University of Michigan, Central European University, and the University of Warsaw. His scientific specialties were macroeconomics and the history of economic thought. From 1999 to 2004, he was the chief economist of Bank Pekao SA; from 2004 to 2010, he was a member of the Monetary Policy Council of the National Bank of Poland (NBP); and from 2010 to 2014, he was a member of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister. As an economic columnist, he collaborated with "Gazeta Wyborcza" and "Rzeczpospolita". In 1983, he was one of the founders of the underground journal "Przegląd Polityczny" and continues to contribute to it. Alongside his economic writing, he also engages in creative writing in the field of literature, starting with the collection of fantasy stories titled "The Skull of a Giant".

Dr. hab. Paweł Antonowicz - a research and teaching staff member at the Department of Business Economics at the Faculty of Management, University of Gdańsk. He is the author of over 80 scientific publications, including books, mainly dedicated to bankruptcy issues. He has practical experience as a financial analyst and as the owner of a consulting and training company.

Dr. Tomasz Kalinowski - a lecturer at WSB University in Gdańsk, specializing in training in communication and negotiation with domestic and foreign partners, international economic relations, and the topic of Germany as Poland's most important economic partner. He has extensive experience as a diplomat, minister-counselor, and head of the Economic Department at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Berlin. He teaches in the International Economics and Business module.

Mikołaj Lipiński - a partner at a consulting firm, an expert in mergers and acquisitions, PE/VC funds, and financial management of companies. He has professional experience in advising on major international transactions of company acquisitions and sales, as well as smaller domestic projects. He was responsible for implementing value growth strategies and financial departments in several companies. He is a Certified Advisor for NewConnect and Catalyst and a member of the Polish Institute of Directors supporting corporate governance principles.

Dr. Wojciech Machel - a business trainer, author, and co-author of training and advisory projects, especially in the areas of strategic leadership and organizational culture.

Łukasz Minuth - a graduate of the CIMA program, a trainer, and an expert in the field of comprehensive corporate financial management. He is the Head of Budgeting and Economic Analysis Office at LOTOS SA Group.

Agnieszka Mroczkiewicz - a specialist in accounting practices and financial analysis; a certified auditor and chief accountant at Nov-Weld Sp. z o.o.

Jacek Sitko - a theorist and practitioner in financial management, holding international credentials in management accounting and national qualifications to serve on supervisory boards of state-owned companies.

Grzegorz Steinke - Senior Executive Consultant at CTER; with over 20 years of experience in HR, including working on client-side HR teams, leading recruitment and development efforts, building employer brand, and serving as an HR Business Partner; teaches in the Human Resources Management module.

Dr. Marek Szymański - specializes in hostile takeovers and defense methods against hostile takeovers; co-author of strategic and restructuring plans for businesses, including Gdańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej, eService, Enmat Słupsk.

Dr. Aldona Uziębło - a certified auditor, research and teaching staff member at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, vice-president of the Association of Accountants in Poland, Gdańsk Branch.

Dr. hab. Piotr Wróbel, Prof. UG - research and teaching staff member at the Institute of Organization and Management, University of Gdańsk, and consultant specializing in restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, organizational culture, and electronic communication; author of over fifty scientific publications.

Ryszard Schnepf - historian, diplomat, and academic teacher. Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Uruguay and Paraguay (1991-1996), Central America (2001-2005), Spain (2008-2012), and the USA (2012-2016). He also held positions as Secretary of State for Foreign Policy and Security at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 2005, he led budget negotiations with the European Union, resulting in significant funds for Poland's development and modernization.

Ewa Ewart - a journalist and award-winning documentary filmmaker specializing in impactful films that resonate with the audience. She spent most of her professional life in the UK working for BBC television. Her documentaries focus on significant events and she currently presents a series of international documentary films on TVN24 and TVN24Bis. She is also a motivational speaker for various audience groups and has received numerous awards.

Foreign lecturers:

  • Tim Peacock - Project and Process Management
  • Colin Bladen-Kopacz - Managerial Economics Foundations
  • Liam Fassam - Project and Process Management
  • Prof. Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn - Strategic Management
  • Dr. Diepiriye Kuku-Siemons - Negotiation and Business Communication
  • Dr. Xiaoyu Tian - Managerial Economics Foundations
  • dr Olin Oedekoven
  • Danny Rukavina. 

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