Uniwersytet WSB Merito wybrałam z uwagi na wcześniejsze studia które ukończyłam właśnie na tej uczelni. Byłam zadowolona z jakości przygotowanych zajęć. Zaangażowania kadry tam pracującej i przygotowanych materiałów. Po latach wybierając kolejne studia byłam pewna, że chcę się uczyć właśnie tu. Nie zawiodłam się. Pierwsze zajęcia na MBA przerosły moje oczekiwania. Połączenie integracji studentów z praktycznymi zajęciami to świetny pomysł. Wykładowcy nie tylko są praktykami, ale bardzo ciekawie prowadzą zajęcia 

Anna Krauza
dyrektor oddziału PKO Bank Polski SA- uczestniczka studiów MBA General w Gdańsku

For whom is the MBA?

The MBA program is designed for managerial staff who require a specialized education to advance their careers, as well as individuals who need to acquire or refine managerial skills useful in typical business situations. The studies allow for solidifying knowledge in business management and development. It is also an ideal choice for executives who do not have a managerial background and wish to acquire competencies in this area.

The MBA program lasts for 2 years and includes a total of 535 hours of diverse classes:

  • 22 mandatory modules (including an international module),
  • a management game,
  • additional elective modules and training,
  • a seminar.

Meetings take place in a part-time system on Saturdays and Sundays, once or twice a month.

Two language paths

We conduct classes in Polish according to the program prepared by the WSB University and approved by the University of Northampton. This allows for the development of managerial skills for those who are not fluent in English. During the admission process, candidates can choose a bilingual path where 30% of the program is conducted in English. Some classes in this path are taught by international faculty and native speakers. 


The program is accredited by the prestigious international accreditation of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).

Teaching methods

During classes, we utilize active learning methods: simulation business games, tests, exercises, case studies, individual and group projects. An important element of the studies is active participation in classes and integrating the experiences and knowledge of lecturers with the professional experiences of participants, enabling them to enhance skills that are genuinely useful in managerial roles.

Prepared teaching materials

During classes, participants receive necessary teaching materials, including selected textbooks each semester. These materials are also accessible on the Extranet website, ensuring continuous contact with the university. The Extranet provides access to class schedules and payment information.

Personalized coaching sessions

The program includes coaching elements focused on identifying individual developmental needs of participants. This allows for recognizing strengths and weaknesses in their managerial toolkit and working towards improvement.

Prestigious diploma

Graduates of our program receive a prestigious MBA diploma with a quality assurance clause from the University of Northampton, issued by WSB Merito University in Gdańsk. The diploma is signed by representatives of both universities.


MBA program graduates are exempt from the examination requirement for candidates for supervisory board members of state-owned companies.


  • Integration - team working mechanisms (outgoing module)
  • Managerial Economics and Decision Making PL/EN
  • Negotiation and Business Communication PL
  • Strategic Management PL
  • Marketing Management & Business Models PL/EN
  • Human Resource Management PL
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis PL
  • Enterprise Financial Management PL
  • Business Law PL
  • Process and Project Management PL/EN
  • Corporate Social Responsibility PL/EN
  • Intellectual Property Protection PL
  • International Business PL/EN
  • Managerial Controlling PL
  • Team Leadership and Leadership PL
  • Change Management PL/EN
  • Company Valuation and Value-based Management PL/EN
  • e-business PL/EN
  • Crisis Management in Business PL
  • Company in the Financial Market PL
  • Public Speaking PL
  • Managerial Coaching and Development of Individual Leadership Competencies PL
  • Digital Technologies in Business PL
  • Managerial Simulation Game
  • Diploma Seminar
  • Additional Modules to Choose (2 out of 4):
    • Design Thinking / Assessment of Counterparty Bankruptcy Risk
    • Information Systems in Business / Start-ups - Development Strategies
    • Module Descriptions

Integration - Team Working Mechanisms

This module aims to integrate participants, teach them teamwork, demonstrate manager's communication with the environment. The program focuses on integration through play, including elements like voice work, body language, rhetorical skills, and personality types differentiation. Methods include games, simulations, and tests.

Managerial Economics and Decision Making

Market competition forces managers to enhance their professional skills, especially in making rational decisions. The module aims to develop skills in applying managerial analysis tools to diagnose economic issues and make decisions under uncertainty and risk. Participants also learn how to determine market operating conditions. The module is structured with theoretical lectures and decision-making sessions in groups.

Negotiation and Business Communication

Communication skills are fundamental for leadership. Modern managers use them not only in negotiations but also in planning, organizing, supervising tasks, and team control. Persuasion and motivation are integral parts of managerial communication. The module tests and enhances managerial competencies related to negotiation levels and interpersonal interactions through negotiation games, moderated discussions, and communication simulations.

Strategic Management

Strategic management involves defining a company's development direction, building its strategy, and finding ways to achieve business goals. Redefining strategies in dynamic environments and increasing competitiveness is a major managerial challenge. Participants analyze business models and develop skills in identifying problems, proposing systemic and operational solutions for long-term market success.

Business Law

This module covers social aspects within the company, employee-employer relationships (labor law), and environmental relationships with owners, shareholders, and partners (commercial law). Financial law, especially tax law, equips managers to navigate public law relations, such as tax procedures and audits, to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Marketing Management & Business Models

This module presents marketing from a strategic viewpoint, focusing on building marketing strategies based on competitive advantages. Participants explore strategic management concepts by M. Porter, J. Trout's "warfare marketing," and the sensory marketing concept. Discussions and workshops allow practical application of theoretical knowledge and private sector case studies.

Human Resource Management

Managing human resources involves techniques, procedures, and organizational solutions to effectively utilize employee potential. Every manager interacts directly with HR management daily. The module imparts general knowledge of HR management and its practical application in firm management.

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Effective managers interpret financial data to meet information needs accurately. The module covers managerial accounting elements and financial statement interpretation, enhancing skills in financial condition assessment and accounting system efficiency through workshops and case studies.

Enterprise Financial Management

This module covers basic tools and methods in financial management, understanding financial processes' interdependence in decision-making. Participants gain knowledge of financial environment impacts and relationships between financial and managerial accounting, identifying management issues and applying necessary methods for decision-making and risk minimization.

Process and Project Management

Effective organization goals and project success depend on competent project management skills and organizational culture. Participants acquire skills in recognizing organizational needs, defining project goals, and evaluating criteria. Sessions include lectures, exercises, and workshops with discussions to share experiences.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Managers play a role beyond market players; they are active cultural participants. The module discusses ethical business operation problems, CSR concepts, and professional ethical codes. Participants diagnose value conflicts, analyze symptoms, and handle work environment tensions through lectures and exercises.

Intellectual Property Protection

This module explains intellectual property and copyright. Participants study infringements and fair use categories. The role of state and law in intellectual property protection, benefits of effective protection, and penalties for infringement are discussed.

International Business

Participants gain knowledge and soft skills for Polish company effectiveness in international markets, including foreign trade, direct investments, and working with foreign capital companies. Topics include business etiquette and specifics of the Polish economy and enterprises.

Managerial Controlling

Competent managers define necessary support scope from controlling and verify and interpret management information correctly. The module introduces controlling topics and practical tools for application, including theoretical presentations and case studies resolving decision-making issues.

Team Leadership and Leadership

Leadership and management are crucial for all management levels. Building teams, planning tasks, supervising work, motivating, and resolving conflicts are essential tasks. Practical sessions cover team management concepts and leadership development skills.

Change Management

Successful organizational change requires altering human behavior. Best practices in managing different change categories are covered in workshops, with individual and group work and case studies analysis.

Company Valuation and Value-based Management

The main enterprise goal is long-term value growth. Managing company value strategically challenges management. The module covers valuation methods and company value management.


The module prepares managers for e-commerce management, product and service e-markets, and marketing. Skills range from value creation, project management, to e-marketing, including creating e-businesses.

Crisis Management in Business

Participants acquire skills in recognizing and responding to crisis situations effectively, using basic crisis management principles and tools in economic organizations. Practical workshops enhance learning.

Managerial Coaching and Development of Individual Leadership Competencies

Participants learn coaching methods for business practice, session structure, theoretical basics, and tools for managerial use. Small group coaching sessions focus on leadership and managerial competency development.


Digital Technologies in Business

Diploma Seminar

In the second year, participants develop project-based diploma theses addressing management issues in their companies or those they manage or plan to manage. Supervisors with relevant knowledge and experience guide them.

Managerial Decision Game

Participants develop skills in using tools and indicators for business strategy development, implementation, and control, emphasizing the relationship between marketing decisions and financial results.


Additional Modules to Choose

Design Thinking or Assessment of Counterparty Bankruptcy Risk

Participants learn practical applications of early warning models for corporate bankruptcy. Topics include prospective financial analysis to detect anomalies affecting partners' financial credibility. Real-life examples and discriminatory analysis models are discussed.

Information Systems in Business or Start-up Development Strategies

Participants explore start-up development from local and broader perspectives, including e-commerce and e-products/services.

  • In a local context, the course will cover how to start building a startup, how to secure initial funding from seed funds, and how to prepare the startup for entry into international markets.
  • From a global perspective focusing on startup project transactions, known as exits to global investors, the course will outline what steps to take to establish a startup and sell it for over $100 million USD within 6 years. The sessions primarily rely on case studies, particularly examples of global startups originating from the Polish market. Participants will also familiarize themselves with strategies for developing technological startups, potential for company sale, and essential elements for securing subsequent rounds of funding.

MBA studies place a special emphasis on practical teaching methods using interactive approaches. We ensure that participants, in addition to mandatory learning, also have opportunities for development through additional events, meetings, and optional classes.


An additional advantage of MBA studies is the opportunity to build a network among participants and alumni who represent the management teams of many recognized companies in Poland. So far, participants in the MBA program at WSB in Gdańsk have included employees from companies such as Polpharma SA, Grafprom, LPP SA, Lufthansa Systems Poland sp. z o.o., Grupa Lotos SA, Lidl Polska sp. z o.o., Jeronimo Martins Polska SA, PKO BP SA, Young Digital Planet SA, Philips Lighting Poland SA, Fines SA, SKOK Rafineria, Etos SA, LUX MED, Impel, Thomson Reuters (Markets) Europe SA, SII Polska, Geoban SA, Berlin Chemie, North Food SA, JUMPCITY, Trefl SA, Carrefour Polska sp. z o.o., Budimex SA, Deltamarin sp. z o.o., Flügger sp. z o.o., Wilhelmsen, Apotex Polska sp. z o.o., and Intel Technology Polska.

UK Study Tour

The offer of special events for MBA participants in Gdańsk is not limited to the borders of our country. Once a year, a three-day trip to Northampton (United Kingdom) is organized for MBA program participants, featuring a customized program tailored to the MBA curriculum profile. The Study Tour plan includes meetings and workshops held at selected British companies. An additional attraction includes sightseeing of the city itself and the University of Northampton. The trip requires an additional fee. For more details, please contact the MBA Program Office.

Special Lectures

Famous personalities regularly visit our classes. VIP lectures take place several times a year. Within the walls of WSB, we have hosted, among others: Prof. Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn, Magdalena Gacyk, Dr. Izabela Robinson, Liam Fassam, Dr. Eghosa Igudia, Dr. Olin O. Oedekoven, Tomasz Deker, Maciej Grabski, Dr. Mateusz Bonca, and Krzysztof Wielicki.

Study Visits

Regular extracurricular study visits are organized cyclically. The university closely collaborates in this area with the Business Centre Club, of which it is a member. Both participants and alumni of the MBA program can participate in lectures or workshops.

Additional Trainings

  • Participants can take part in full-scale trainings included in the tuition fee. In previous editions of the program, trainings such as:
  • "Conducting Coaching Conversations",
  • "Mentoring – Trend or Time Necessity?",
  • "Team Management",
  • "Managerial Communication: How to Communicate Difficult Information",
  • "Metaprograms"
We also offer all participants the opportunity to attend additional paid trainings offered by the Postgraduate Studies and Training Department, including PRINCE2® Foundation.

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Informator MBA Gdańsk 2024