Studia Executive MBA stanowiły dla mnie nie tylko doskonały sposób na rozwój osobisty, lecz także nieocenioną inwestycję w moją przyszłość. Decyzja o ich podjęciu była dla mnie przełomowa, wymagała ode mnie wyjścia poza strefę komfortu i poświęcenia ogromnego wysiłku. Jednakże efekty tej decyzji przerosły moje oczekiwania. Doświadczenie to przyniosło mi zarówno ogromną satysfakcję, jak i wzbogaciło mnie o niezwykle wartościową wiedzę, którą przekazali mi zaangażowani i doświadczeni wykładowcy. Dzięki zdobytej wiedzy i umiejętnościom czuję się gotowa na podjęcie wyzwań związanych z realizacją moich najwyższych celów i aspiracji. To nie tylko poszerzyło moje horyzonty, lecz także otworzyło drzwi do nieznanych mi dotąd obszarów. 

Zarina Muratkazyyeva-Cieślak
uczestniczka studiów EMBA w Poznaniu Export Manager, Pfeifer&Langen Polska SA


Executive MBA takes 2 years to complete. Meetings are held once in a month, on average, from 3 to 9 p.m. on Fridays, from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays, and from 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. The curriculum is composed of 19 modules, each comprising a minimum of 20 class hours scheduled over a single weekend. 


  • up to 100% of coursework is in English.

ECTS credits

The study programme contains 61 ECTS credits. Each module is 3 ECTS credits, strategic project - 4 ECTS credits.

The teaching methods

The teaching methods used include: lectures, case studies, individual and group presentations, workshops and exercises,
simulation and computer games, personality tests, discussions, individual consultations.

Course materials

Prior to a session/meeting, the participants are provided, free of charge, with a complete package of course materials. The content is supplied by respective instructors and is specific to each course. Each pack includes:

  • a module description
  • the course leader’s career résumé

Depending on the course, the package may contain some or all of the following:

  • instructor-supplied content
  • digests
  • examples and exercises for self-study
  • case studies
  • readings in theory
  • legal acts
  • questionnaires
  • tests.

WSB University has created a collection of professional readings recommended by Polish and international instructors. Students can also use the WSB library and reading rooms as well as the Internet-based student portal called Extranet.

Extranet is the WSB Universities’ in-house communication solution – an internet-based platform that has been developed to cut down on red tape and streamline the flow of information to and from our students. Using the Extranet, students can be in 24/7 contact with their WSB University and, from wherever they are in the world, access such information as:

  • class schedules
  • tuition payment information
  • course materials
  • the library catalog
  • notifications of class rescheduling, announcements, and breaking news.

Administrative support

To make your study experience even more enjoyable and care-free, effective support from the cohort manager and the EMBA Program Office staff is available at all times:

  • Aleksandra Charyna – Executive MBA in Poznan Program Director
  • Dagmara Dziel
  • Paulina Kowalczyk.

Completion requirements

Class attendance is obligatory. Classes are designed to combine:

  • learning through direct contact with instructor-expert
  • intense cooperation with other Program participants
  • participating in in-class discussions and in group tasks
  • sharing one’s knowledge and skills with others.

Every module ends with a final written assignment, to be prepared according to the requirements and guidelines set by the instructor at the beginning of the course. Among the criteria they may evaluate are student’s involvement, individual and group presentations, group tasks reports, written case studies analyses, individual tests and written assignments.


Executive MBA program graduates receive a dual degree - a diploma issued by the WSB University in Poznań and endorsed by SBS Swiss Business School.

To earn the degree, a student must successfully complete 20 modules and a business management project. Along with the degree award certificate, a transcript is provided detailing all modules completed and grades earned along with the names of module leaders and their home institutions.

In addition, Executive MBA program graduates receive a completion certificate of a postgraduate course in business management from the WSB University in Poznan. 

Strategic Management – Zarządzanie strategiczne 

This module focuses on strategic management issues. It builds on various components of the EMBA program and integrates them to develop an understanding of the strategy process. The module assumes a general management perspective rather than a specialist view. 

Module Objectives: 

  • Increase participants' awareness of the complexity of the CEO position, including the challenges of managing for the benefit of the entire organization, rather than just a specific functional area. 
  • Introduce the concept of strategic management and identify concepts and tools that will enhance participants' ability to understand and formulate effective strategies.  
  • Develop skills in identifying and analyzing key environmental and organizational variables that can impact organizational outcomes and understanding how these variables can affect the organization.  
  • Enhance participants' ability to analyze complex strategic issues and develop practical plans for effectively implementing recommendations on these issues.


Strategic Human Resources Management – Zarządzanie strategiczne zasobami ludzkimi

The Strategic Human Resources Management module allows participants to familiarize themselves with the connection between competitive strategy and international human resources management. People are considered one of the most important, if not the most important, resource for a company's competitiveness. However, the challenge of effectively managing people is greatest in large international companies operating in highly diverse geographical, cultural, and institutional environments. Upon completing the module, participants should understand the relationship between a company's strategy, capabilities, and human resources (HR) and the role HR plays in managing the global workforce. Additionally, participants will learn how companies can leverage HR management practices such as performance management, talent management, and expatriation to manage their human capital globally and facilitate value creation through social architecture and change management. 

 Module Objectives: 

  • Understand the relationship between a company's strategy, capabilities, and human resources (HR). 
  • Awareness of the role HR plays in managing the global workforce. 
  • Practical application of HR management in performance, talent, and change management in an international environment. 


Project Management – Zarządzanie projektami  

The main theme of this module is to show the most important principles of project management from several key perspectives related to organizational roles. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to define, initiate, and monitor projects, as well as understand their content, assumptions, constraints, and risks. The entire program will be substantively framed from a strategic perspective, considering the relevance of projects in the context of the organization's strategic goals. Participants will also receive guidance on planning and developing project management competencies, including in the area of human resources.  

Module Objectives:  

  • Prepare participants to independently define the goals of planned projects and present effective methods for planning them, regardless of the type, scale, and complexity level. 
  • Increase awareness of effective project management and improve efficiency in planning and implementing projects. 
  • Develop skills in utilizing both resources and managing managerial information in the workplace. 


Business Strategy Project – Projekt menedżerski  

Business strategy projects aim to solve a managerial problem of a selected company through expertise. They are carried out in groups of several people, and participants have the freedom to choose the topic and company. After several consultations with the supervisor and writing the report, the project defense follows, which provides an opportunity to present the problem-solving method and discuss it with the committee members. 

Project Objectives: 

  • Provide a challenging, integrative, team-based educational experience that utilizes concepts and tools from the EMBA program to understand, analyze, and recommend appropriate solutions for complex strategic challenges and ensure that the recommended solution is successfully implemented by the company's management. 


Operations Management – Zarządzanie operacyjne

Operations management mainly involves delivering goods and services to customers. On the one hand, the goal is to provide customers with value by delivering excellent products and services, meeting deadlines, and responding to their various needs and requirements. On the other hand, it strives to operate as cost-effectively as possible. Through this combination - effective value delivery to customers - operations support long-term business goals. Operations management has evolved from the physical production environment but is essential in any type of environment, such as services, the public sector, healthcare, professional knowledge/expertise, and others.  

Module Objectives: 

  • Understand the role operations play in the success of the organization 
  • Increase skills in managing operations, improving operations, or collaborating with the operations department from other functional areas. • Fully understand operations, which in any organization have the potential for better management and improving work processes.

Corporate Finance – Finanse w przedsiębiorstwie  

Every decision made in a company has financial consequences that affect the company's value. Managers must be aware of the factors influencing this value. EMBA program students, participating in the Corporate Finance module, have the opportunity to learn decision-making that supports value creation for the company. By acquiring the appropriate skills and knowledge, including in the areas of working capital management, financial planning, and company valuation, they can better understand the overall functionality and profitability of the company.  

Module Objectives:  

  • Equip managers with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and analyze corporate strategies and other possible options.  
  • Provide participants with the tools needed to analyze and understand the impact of decisions on the company's value. 
  • Learn to create financial plans, determine working capital requirements, use discounted cash flow methods to evaluate investments and company valuation.  
  • Consider risk when making financial decisions. 


Management Accounting – Rachunkowość zarządcza

This module aims to enable participants to gain knowledge and understanding of management accounting and control. It covers modern concepts and methods of cost identification and modification to make informed managerial decisions that can be applied in the working conditions of an economic unit.  

Module Objectives:  

  • Cost calculation and management. 
  • Cost analysis in the decision-making process.  
  • Short-term planning.  
  • Value-based management.  
  • Strategic management accounting. 


Economics for Executives – Zarządzanie w ekonomii 

The main goal of this module is to present the basic mechanisms governing the functioning of the market economy. Understanding the basics of economic theory will allow participants to better understand the economic phenomena and processes occurring in the macroeconomic environment of the company. The classes relate to the realities of the Polish economy, including economic policy. Mastering the material presented in the classes and contained in the recommended textbooks will help bridge the gaps in basic economic knowledge resulting from different academic backgrounds and work experiences. 

Module Objectives:  

  • Overview of the basic principles and tools required for economic analysis and understanding the decision-making process of the main microeconomic players, i.e., companies and households. 
  • Presentation of markets and market economies, discussing their principles, alternatives, and government involvement in the economy.  
  • Description and analysis of important macroeconomic variables. 
  • Review of the state's economic policy and its principles. 


Finances for Managers – Gra finansowa  

The PROGRESS business simulation allows participants to experience how managerial decisions impact the company's financial statements and market position. The classes, in the form of a simulation game (board-Excel), "Strategy," are conducted in teams (4-5 people in each group), where players take on the roles of the management boards of production companies. Starting the game, they have identical companies in terms of assets, equity, liabilities, financial results, market share, cost structure, and cash position. When conditions (resources and market capacity) are similar, strategies and the way they are implemented make the company's competitive advantage reflected in financial statements and key financial indicators.  

Module Objectives:  

  • Learn the basic financial statements. 
  • Understand the main financial performance indicators (KPI). 
  • Learn the mechanisms of financing investments (CAPEX). 
  • Build an investment strategy.  
  • Formulate plans and budgets.  
  • Understand the operating cycle and the conversion cycle in a company. 


Financial Accounting – Rachunkowość finansowa

This module introduces participants to the principles of financial accounting and enables them to demonstrate technical proficiency in applying double-entry techniques. It covers the preparation and interpretation of basic financial statements for sole proprietors, partnerships, and companies. The main goal of the module is to understand the essence and principles of creating an information base resulting from the obligation to keep accounting records and prepare financial statements of units, as well as to develop the skills of using accounting for operational and strategic financial decisions.  

Module Objectives:  

  • Prepare for the ACCA Financial Accounting (FA/FFA) exam.  
  • Learn to record, process, and report business transactions.  
  • Help in using the trial balance and identifying and correcting errors. 
  • Prepare financial statements.  
  • Learn to apply the qualitative characteristics of useful information.

Management Communication – Komunikacja menedżerska

This module focuses on key communication strategies and skills that can be used in managerial communication in the global workplace. It provides an introduction to the basic theories of communication strategies, offers decision-making frameworks and analytical tools that can be applied to effectively plan, design, and deliver management messages. The module is highly interactive, practical, and task-oriented.  

Module Objectives: 

  • Practice the theories and key concepts of managerial communication through pre-module readings, assignments, case analyses, and individual or team presentations.  
  • Obtain a clear picture of participants' personal communication tendencies through feedback from peers, trainers, and self-reflection.  
  • Provide guidance on improving individual managerial communication skills. 


Service Business and Design  

This module provides a set of tools for optimizing the service activities of companies. It starts with an approach to the basics of service business based on a three-stage model of service consumption and discusses the most important concepts of service quality. The module then introduces self-service technologies and artificial intelligence as major drivers of service innovation. It also highlights the importance of creating value for the customer as the main strategic goal of business activity. 

 Module Objectives:  

  • Acquire a conceptual toolkit for better understanding and analyzing the latest changes in the service business. 
  • Understand how to integrate customers and technology into service delivery.  
  • Evaluate and optimize service quality.  
  • Design effective service recovery measures.  
  • Manage customer co-creation of services. 


Strategy in Sustainability  

Sustainable business strategy is a set of actions a company takes to improve its impact on the community and the environment. Implementing sustainable strategies may take some time, but if done correctly, they will benefit both the company and its employees. Sustainable business strategies have become more popular in recent years due to environmental concerns and a shift in consumer demand. Increasingly, companies are opting for sustainable strategies as they try to fulfill their social responsibility. Strategies include transforming traditional business methods and focusing on policies that support ecological, human, and economic health.  

Module Objectives: 

  • Define sustainability in business and provide real-world examples of sustainable business strategies.  
  • Discuss the challenges of implementing sustainability strategies and suggest potential solutions. 
  • Explore various areas where sustainability can be integrated, including product development, supply chain management, and corporate governance. 
  • Evaluate the benefits of adopting sustainable business strategies for long-term success and competitiveness. 


Entrepreneurship and Corporate Venturing 

Entrepreneurship and corporate venturing are two closely related concepts in the business world, encompassing the creation and development of new ventures. Entrepreneurship refers to the process of creating, launching, and running a new company, usually based on an innovative idea or innovation. Entrepreneurs are individuals who take the initiative to start their own businesses, exposing themselves to financial risks and anticipating rewards associated with the venture. In contrast, corporate entrepreneurship, also known as venture building, involves creating new companies or initiatives within an existing corporation. This allows large companies to innovate and explore new business opportunities without disrupting their core operations. 

Module Objectives: 

  • Developing new products, services, or processes. 
  • Taking on financial and personal risks associated with starting a new venture. 
  • Identifying and exploiting market opportunities. 
  • Acquiring necessary resources, including capital, talent, and materials, to start and grow a business. 
  • Creating a business model that can grow and develop over time.

Unlocking Sales Success in the AI Era Sales Using Artificial Intelligence

This module aims to help ExMBA participants learn the art of sales by becoming trusted advisors to their clients. It provides them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to build lasting customer relationships, understand their needs, and create value through effective sales techniques. 

Module Objectives: 

  • Understanding the essence of being a trusted advisor in sales. 
  • Learning skills and techniques to build trust with customers using AI. 
  • Understanding the customer's purchasing process and ways to influence it. 
  • Identifying customer needs and appropriately responding to them. 
  • Developing strategies to create value for customers through effective sales techniques. 
  • Understanding the role of technology in modern sales and how to use it to improve customer relationships and sales efficiency. 


Managing for Creativity

"Managing creativity" refers to the strategies and practices employed by leaders and managers to support and maintain a creative and innovative environment within their organizations. Creativity is essential for innovation, problem-solving, and maintaining a competitive edge. 

Module Objectives: 

  • Understanding innovation as a systematic process based on tools and skills. 
  • Learning a common language for problem-solving to drive innovation throughout the organization. 
  • Building new product strategies for current and future customers. 
  • Identifying and synchronizing different ways to solve problems. 
  • Learning tools to identify new opportunities and define project goals. 
  • Managing a portfolio of new product projects. 


Negotiation Skills – Business Negotiation Skills

The module presents the key elements of negotiation, including interpersonal communication, manipulation, influence, and cultural differences. It addresses the behaviors and skills needed for effective negotiation by management both in external and internal relationships. 

Module Objectives: 

Defining basic concepts in the field of negotiation. 

Knowledge of tools, strategies, and negotiation styles. 

Developing flexible negotiation strategies. 

Choosing appropriate tools depending on the situation, goals, and environment. 


Global Marketing – International Marketing

Welcome to the world of marketing! This module provides marketing tools and insights necessary to become an effective business builder. This means engaging in both the creative aspects of marketing and the analytical rigor that managers and entrepreneurs need to assess results and support investments. 

Module Objectives: 

  • Professional preparation for the negotiation process. 
  • Applying negotiation strategies and skillfully overcoming resistance in negotiations. 
  • Formulating persuasive messages. 
  • Recognizing manipulative behaviors of the other party and effectively defending against them. 


Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior teaches how people interact in the workplace. It involves understanding, predicting, and managing human behaviors in organizations. The goal is to improve organizational effectiveness, enhance employee well-being, and support a positive work environment. Key areas of focus in organizational behavior include individual behaviors, group dynamics, and organizational structures and processes. 

Module Objectives: 

  • Learning OB principles, which are then used for recruitment, selection, training, and retention of employees. 
  • Skillfully applying OB, which helps in designing effective organizational structures and processes. 
  • Learning OB techniques used to assess and improve employee performance. 
  • Managing and improving relationships between employees and management through OB strategies. 

Cooperation with Aalto University, Finland

Aalto Univesrity brings together participants from all of the hubs in the Aalto University Executive Education network. During a week’s stay in Helsinki or Singapore, the students complete one course module, meet local business leaders, and make lots of new 
business contacts. 

Cooperation with Franklin University, USA

We cooperate with Franklin University USA. Thanks this cooperation program participants can also take part in the MBA Study Tour to USA. The tour usually lasts 10 days and combines academic components with business practice. A study tour, with a tailor-made and curriculum-aligned itinerary, is organized every year for the benefit of students in MBA programs across the WSB Group. The students are hosted by Franklin University, USA, the Group’s strategic partner, attending lectures, meetings and workshops held on-campus while at the same time paying visits to assorted US companies. 


Off-campus module

The initial meeting is dedicated to induction and integration, and is therefore held off-campus. The WSB University covers all organizational expenses including meals and accommodation.


Networking with students and alumni of MBA programs is an unquestionable benefit of studying for the Executive MBA degree in Poznań. MBA programs in WSB University in Poznań has already been completed by managers from such companies as e.g.: Bank Zachodni WBK SA, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals SA, Hewlett-Packard sp. z o.o., Johnson&Johnson sp. z o.o., Kraft Foods Polska sp. z o.o., NIVEA Polska, Philips Lighting Poland, PKO BP SA, Siemens sp. z o.o., Unilever Polska SA, Volkswagen Motor Polska sp. z o.o., Wrigley Poland sp. z o.o.

Graduation ceremony

Each year, the University holds an Executive MBA graduation ceremony. Attended by the schools’ authorities, instructors and honorable guests, the ceremony builds a pleasant and sublime atmosphere in which to confer the prestigious MBA degree on all successful graduates. 

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