Invitation for a training seminar on public speaking

On April 17 we summon MBA and FUMBA students to attend a training seminar on public speaking that will be given by Professor Mr Jacek Wasilewski. This is how the instructor himself advertises his seminar: “Since there are no universals that work for everyone, but each of us has a unique style, the workshop will try to, in the first place, identify your personal style and stop you from doing whatever compromises your natural abilities, so you can avoid mistakes and make the most of your talent. We will deal with image management and concept presentation techniques – to make your presentations both effective and appealing, and off-beat as well, so you keep the attention of your audience. We will analyze and assess speakers as we go. We will learn about the basic principles of rhetoric and internalize rule number one – not to give up too easily”.

The seminar will be held on WSB University premises, starting at 10.00 am and finishing at 4.00 pm.
All you need to do to join is fill out the following form. 

Formularz zgłoszeniowy

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