Uniwersytet WSB Merito wybrałam z uwagi na wcześniejsze studia które ukończyłam właśnie na tej uczelni. Byłam zadowolona z jakości przygotowanych zajęć. Zaangażowania kadry tam pracującej i przygotowanych materiałów. Po latach wybierając kolejne studia byłam pewna, że chcę się uczyć właśnie tu. Nie zawiodłam się. Pierwsze zajęcia na MBA przerosły moje oczekiwania. Połączenie integracji studentów z praktycznymi zajęciami to świetny pomysł. Wykładowcy nie tylko są praktykami, ale bardzo ciekawie prowadzą zajęcia 

Anna Krauza
dyrektor oddziału PKO Bank Polski SA- uczestniczka studiów MBA General w Gdańsku

MBA Studies in Gdańsk

The University of WSB Merito in Gdańsk is one of the oldest and largest non-public universities in Pomerania. It is part of the eleven WSB Merito Universities, which form the largest group of business schools in Poland. The University of WSB Merito in Gdańsk is a member of the Business Centre Club, which confirms its character and commitment to supporting Polish entrepreneurship through education.



IACBE Accreditation

In January 2022, the program received prestigious accreditation from the International Accreditation Council for Business Education.

prestigious MBA degree 

Graduates of the program receive a diploma with a quality guarantee clause from the University of Northampton.

faculty composed of business practitioners

Classes are led by experts and enthusiasts in their field, who have real-world experience.


partnership approach to participants

Lecturers are open to participants' suggestions, which has a real impact on the course of classes.


The studies facilitate networking and exchange of experiences with managers from other industries.

engaging forms of classes

workshops, case studies, trainings, project work, business simulations


one of the best MBA programs in Poland

the program was classified into the professional class in the MBA Programs Rating by SEM Forum 2020  

opportunity for language improvement

participants have the opportunity to enhance their business English through selecting English-language modules

professional developed teaching materials

participants receive ready-made materials, available 24/7 on the Extranet online platform

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Informator MBA Gdańsk 2024