Zapraszamy na zajęcia otwarte w styczniu i lutym

This January and February, those of you who are thinking of signing up for our Aalto Executive MBA program will be able to take out a trial class by temporarily joining the current Aalto Executive MBA cohort. 

DateCourse nameLeader
January, 19-21 Strategic International HRM Prof. Hertta Vuorenmaa, Aalto University, Finland
February, 2-4  Management Accounting Dr Remigiusz Napiecek, UE w Poznaniu
February, 9-11 Global Marketing Prof. Damien McLoughlin, University College Dublin, Ireland
February, 23-25  International Business Prof. Hanu Seristo, Aalto University, Finland

If you would like to attend a module on a try-it-out basis, please contact the Aalto Executive MBA Program Office to schedule your class. 

Aalto Executive MBA Program Office
tel.: (61)655-33-57


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Informator MBA Poznań 2024