MBA Alumni reunion

Dear Alumni! It is time for another Executive MBA Alumni Reunion that will be held on May 27 in the CP Building (room 2015). You are most welcome to attend the event featuring a lecture by Prof. Maciej Błaszak who will talk on “What Our Brain Does in Its Free Time. The Brains of Productive Managers and Creative Leaders.”

Three brain functions: threat detection, problem solving, self-reflection
Three neural networks: the salience network (interoception, or threat detection), the central executive network (problem solving), and the default-mode network (self-reflection and self-regulation)
Three dimensions of happiness and their neuronal implementations


Why do we experience a midlife crisis?
Why do we cheat, yet not as much as economics expects us to?
Why do best ideas occur to us while we are walking the dog or riding a bike?

Social evening with dinner – WHY THAI Restaurant at 7 Kramarska street
To sign up for the event, please fill out the following form, indicating one of the attendance options: lecture only, lecture and dinner, or dinner only.

Cost of participation:

lecture – PLN 60.00

social evening with dinner – PLN 130.00

Preferentially priced accommodation is provided by the following hotels: Novotel Poznań Centrum, Włoski, Andersia.

Payments for lecture and social evening w/dinner should be made to the bank account given below:

GBW 09 1610 1133 0007 0407 2000 0019

specifying “zjazd absolwentów Executive MBA” as the title of payment.


Formularz zgłoszeniowy

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Informator MBA Poznań 2023